The Legacy of Michael Collins Piper

Sept.29 2023 – Oct.10 2023

Michael Collins Piper was an American journalist and author who was born in 1960 and died in 2015. He is widely respected by those who have heeded his warnings regarding Zionism. For many reasons Michael Collins Piper has not been championed by anyone in the legacy media. Even many independent journalists and historians seem unaware of his work. This may be from ignorance, from fear to discuss sensitive topics, or from efforts to minimize Piper’s work.

Why is MCP important? He is important because he did a lot of interesting investigative journalism in the 1980’s through to the 2010’s. He wrote for “The Barnes Review” and published more than a dozen books. His book “Final Judgement” is said to link the Mossad, Israeli secret intelligence, with the JFK assassination. The more one looks at certain key players, such as James Jesus Angleton, the more likely MCP’s thesis seems to be true.

His other works include, “The High Priests of War”, “The New Jerusalem”, “The Judas Goats”, “The New Babylon”, “Confessions of an Anti-Semite”, “The Caiaphas Complex”, “False Flags”, and “Ye Shall Know the Truth”. Most of these books follow a familiar pattern. “High Priests” is about the Neo-Cons, Trotskyite Jews such as Richard Pipes, who planned the war in Iraq in 2003. Many of these books draw on MCP’s work as a writer at American Free Press.

One point I would like to make is regarding Piper’s style. He was not afraid to say exactly what he thought. Sometimes he seemed to like to antagonize his opponents. I do not think it is particularly good to identify as an anti-Semite. Piper probably figured that since the ADL calls everybody that, that he may as well make fun of the whole issue. Even so, I do not think MCP hated any particular group of people. He seemed to be more interested with uncovering the truth, whether in history or current events.

From 2006 to 2013 MCP hosted a radio show at RBN called “The Piper Report”. These shows have been archived, though many have not yet been organized. They provide many hours of interesting listening.

In 2012 and 2013 MCP devoted many hours of his show to the topic of the Sandy Hook shooting of 2012. He said that many people in the truth community were obsessed with this topic. MCP stated that many people believed that no children died at Sandy Hook. But MCP did believe that they died there. That is because he examined the evidence, such as that there were many families that had contact with the families that had children in that school.

MCP’s revelations regarding Sandy Hook demonstrated that there were many people deliberately spreading crazy lies on the internet. Piper suggested they were doing this in order to make real journalists and historians look like insane kooks. This makes perfect sense. Why would anyone believe that no one died at Sandy Hook without any evidence? Were the witnesses Crisis Actors? That notion requires a very active imagination.

Mark Glenn was MCP’s good friend. When Piper was in terrible health in 2013 to 2015 Glenn helped him to have a place to stay. Glenn still publishes news on his website, The Ugly Truth, but he had to change domain names probably because he pulls no punches when discussing the Nakbah.

In 2015 Piper died alone in a motel in Idaho. He had left behind messages that he had been shut out from the American Free Press. He had some kind of conflict with its management, but there is not much information regarding the details.

In 2013 Piper released his book “Ye Shall Know the Truth”. This book is one which is very important for his legacy. It is a book detailing all of the books that MCP read which he believes are important to read. Reading it is like having Piper personally guide you through his library. At the time not many people were interested in buying it. But in today’s world, this book becomes more important as the years go on.

One of Piper’s lesser known works is titled “Coup D’Etat of the IHR”. In it he details how Mark Weber worked with several others to take over the Institute for Historical Review from Willis Carto. Carto’s loss of the IHR led him to establish “The Barnes Review” in the 1990’s.

It is interesting to note that the IHR did publish scholarly books and articles in the 1980’s under Carto. After Weber took over, the IHR became a shell of its former self. The IHR maintains a website and a bookstore, but it has not been updated in some time.

“The Barnes Review” remains one of the best historical journals in existence. It tends to publish articles by academics and journalists who are very passionate about their interests. Piper wrote for TBR and many of his pieces became the basis for his radio shows.

To sum up, Michael Collins Piper was an American writer and historian. He was prolific in publishing many books and articles in “The Spotlight” and “American Free Press”. He also hosted his radio show “The Piper Report” from 2006 to 2013. Piper’s style is both scholarly and informal. He can get across obscure and interesting information to a wide audience.

MCP did not write his books because he wanted to get rich. Most of his books did not sell all that well. He wrote books to lay out the truth about American history as he saw it. His recorded radio shows and his books have cemented for him his legacy.

His works will become foundational for understanding 20th century history. MCP will likely become more widely read in the future than he was during his life. His works are bestowed to posterity, I am thankful that he took the time to put all that effort into them. There is certainly more to tell, as the legacy of Michael Collins Piper is only beginning.

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