
A Few Words about this Web page – Faith and Reason

Good day, John Zibrem here, with a few words about my web page. I’ve been working on essays concerning history, theology, literature, and political issues. In the summer of 2021 I decided that it was time to begin publishing them.

After beginning studies into Dr. E. Michael Jones in 2019, I came across the Catholic concept of Faith and Reason. It was addressed in Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Aeterni Patris from 1879. That was the time when Thomism was making its revival, which Dr. Jones details in his book Logos Rising.

Lutheranism operates sola scriptura, by faith alone, and Secularism (the Enlightenment) operates by reason alone. It’s come to my attention that it would be better to unite both faith and reason. It is something like attempting to perceive while using both hemispheres of the brain.

Sometimes I find it necessary to define the problems I see today, while at other times I attempt to define solutions as derived from history. I take a great deal of inspiration from Bishop Richard Williamson. This work is an attempt to discover and discuss some of the important issues of our time.