In our world today there is the constant assurance that machines will take care of us. These are the “intelligent” machines, never mind that they work for the intelligent agencies. What exactly does intelligence mean? You might take it to be the use of reason, by logic and intuition. The trouble today is that there is a conflict between humanity and technology.

The world we live in is consisting of layers. The true reality is covered over by many layers of illusion. The programmers of these false layers demand obedience to the illusions. Some of these illusions involve history, technology, and especially demanding that we do not use our own common sense.

There is an effort to replace common sense with the judgement of experts. These so called experts are some of the same people who are designing machines. They work to create machines that they say will be so wise that they will be able to prevent crime. Already the tendency to punish without evidence is beginning to show itself regarding these machines. A machine is only as intelligent as its creator.

To put it another way, a machine is only as intelligent as people perceive it to be. For the planners of central education in the world have a way to turn the minds of the youth into mush. We cannot accept machine judgement if we have access to a higher law than machine law. The law of the machine is cold and brutal, just as today’s artistic visions are increasingly brutal.

For the machines to appear intelligent, we must be made less perceptive. People must be made dumber and dumber, and more like beasts, and then they shall accept the rule of the machine.

For the deliberate dumbing down of the world goes hand in hand with the development of machine intelligence. Intelligence may be described as pattern recognition. A true intelligence might examine the Federal Reserve system, and begin to notice a pattern regarding banking. The pattern may be stated thusly, All wars are Bankers’ wars, care of Michael Rivero. For just as many people are now less wise than in previous times, so are many people also catching on to the trick.

There are many avenues through which the Programmers may attempt to program the minds of the people. They work through books, television, newspapers, the internet, etc. The success of the technological world order depends upon unquestioning obedience to the dictates of the computer programmers. For example, you may consider the reasoning behind the covid policies. The basis of covid policies are computer simulations. Various institutions, such as the imperial college of London, created and ran computer simulations which showed that massive death would result without locking down everything. Then computer simulations were being made to theorize what the “variants” might be, and more simulations were used to determine that experimental injectables would be the solution. All of these actions depend upon computer simulations. Would you trust a machine to run your life for you? These machines are programmed by people, who put in the data and manipulate the machines for the results which they desire.

Man cannot be wise while believing in machines. For as Bishop Williamson has recently said, many people require the firm embrace of government control around them because they live in fear. They live in fear because they do not want to confront the truth that psychopaths are running the machines, and the machines are running the simulation. The programmers intend to deliver terrible penalties to all those who question their simulation, but this is a moot point as their injectables are increasingly poisoning those who take them.

For a long time Man has been living as if we could get along fine without God. But I recall that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A man has as many masters as he has vices. For to absolve ourselves of the responsibility to gain knowledge is to condemn ourselves to death. And naturally many of the apparent methods of communication are designed to further the designs of the programmers of simulated deception.

Either machines will serve man, or man will serve machines. As it stands, the covid SARS 2 world is one in which man serves machines, and in return machines promise to serve man. It all depends on man being more fearful of his physical death than of the state of his soul.

All those who will not seek after truth will become doomed. I consider that J. Bennett spoke last night about the lack of literacy in America today. He read a paper which indicated that in presidential debates, the language used has gotten progressively simpler, from an 11th grade level for Lincoln, to a sixth grade level for the Bushes. He said that many Americans today do not read and are only interested in entertainment. This has resulted in a society of spectacles, helped along by the machines. For the machines will spell out the problem, and the solution, and hold your hand along the way. From the cradle to the grave, machines will be there to help you along. But don’t forget who is controlling those machines, for machines are only puppets, and those who abide by machines become puppets in turn.

It is time to turn away from placing our faith in machines, and instead to search after truth in hard copies beyond the system. However much the system may speak of comfort and security, it is a falsehood, for this system is based upon deception. Nothing based in deception can deliver anything good.

So long as there are people who reject entertainment as the only reason for living, there will be a possibility to live beyond the control of machine tyranny. For machines are the new magic, and they work for a dark purpose. Even as some may use them for good, their creators and controllers are constantly using many of them for arcane purposes. This would be perceived as soon as one looked at machines from a historical, spiritual, and natural perspective. The machine world can only lead to a deadening of the intellect and the spirit. Machines must serve man, and man must serve God, granted that he should have the wisdom to do so.

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