Globalisation and the New World Order

Globalisation and the New World Order


“[There is a] tendency to read National Socialism monolithically, from the perspective of Nuremberg…the reason for this essentialization of [National Socialism]…is the expression of an ideological position intent on instrumentalizing the events of the past century [20th] in the service of the new world order of globalization. This calls for discrediting every national movement which would limit the global flow of capital and seek to preserve its national economy, its culture or even its native ecology.” – Bernhard Radlhoff, p155, Review on Heidegger and National Socialism

There is a conflict today between tradition and humanism. Why should there be a conflict between them? Simply put, they are oppositional because humanism is faithless. The doctrines of humanism fit well with those of Darwin, Marx, Freud, Gramsci, Adorno, etc. Today’s humanism is being used for a purpose, which is for Globalisation, which I also identify with the new world order. The history of globalization/world order has been sketched out previously in many places, including college textbooks, educational materials in government schools, in newspapers and propaganda online… Yet these positive accounts of globalization often leave out certain periods of history. The reason is, certain historical periods and facts are simply inconvenient for those who dictate what should be written in the textbooks and legacy media.

Once again, here is another attempt to give an overview of where World Order began, how it progressed, and where it is headed.

Ancient Civilizations

No human being today is equipped to live without an understanding of history. An attempt to learn history from its earliest days will instill a respect for tradition and life which can be gained in no other way.

In the earliest days there was Egypt and Babylon. The story of these ancient days is laid out in the old testament. Nimrod of Babylon was the first person to attempt to create a world empire, with the tower of Bab-El, but the Lord defeated his attempt. The Lord then called Abram (later Abraham) out of Ur (c.2000BC), in Babylon, and had him journey to the west. Eventually his descendants, through Joseph, wound up in Egypt. Here we are entering in upon history which can be confirmed by archaeology. The Hebrews have been identified as the Habiru (HBR) in the Tel Amarna tablets, circa 1500BC. It was in the period 1500BC to 1400BC that Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt, taking the Egyptian gold with them. From 2000BC to c.1400BC the Lord had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites. After many wars with surrounding nations, the Hebrews set up a kingdom circa 1000 BC. Their prophet was Samuel, and their first three kings were Saul, Solomon, and David.

From the time of Moses (1500BC) to the time of the first kingdom, the Hebrews were wanderers, whose most necessary items for prayer were the tablets of the Law which God gave to Moses. They carried these in the ark of the covenant. Then, c.1000BC, the Lord allowed the Hebrews to build a temple to him. From c.1000B.C. to 70 AD, the center of Jewish life was the Temple in Jerusalem. The first one was destroyed in the 6th century BC by the Babylonians. It was then rebuilt with help from the Persians, but later destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 AD.

This brief summary of history before the incarnation shows the tendencies to world empire which existed with the beginnings of civilization. The cultural connections follow from the Babylonians and Egyptians to the Hebrews, then to the Persians, and then to the Greeks and Romans. The first attempt at world empire circa 3000BC with Nimrod failed. It was tried again with the Persians, then with the Greeks under Alexander, and then again with Caesar and the Roman Empire. The Roman empire was the most recent attempt to create a world government. It is arguable that the Roman empire never truly ended, by continuing on in various forms, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the British Empire, and the American Empire. Of these three, the RCC still remains though deprived of its former political power, the British Empire has been broken up, and the American Empire is on the verge of collapse. Because of these facts, there exists an ongoing effort to create a new world government which would be along the lines essentially of the Roman Empire.

The Character of World Government

History flows in circular cycles. There are periods of contraction and expansion. Eras where world empires were formed had to be conducive to expansion. Social controls had to be weak in order for new systems of control to take their place. In previous periods, such as Antiquity, the Roman Empire was able to take over other areas because these other areas were largely disorganized. The Romans on the other hand had developed very strong governmental organization because of the strong traditions of discipline in their armed forces. The legions were the backbone of the Roman empire. When discipline began to flag in the troops, the Empire began to decline, circa 100AD through 400AD. By 400AD the Romans were overtaken by the Franks – (Modern day Germans and French peoples). The reason was that the Germanic tribes existed in a state of strong martial activity.

All of that is to say that the character of the Roman Empire was militaristic. By this means it was also cosmopolitan and tolerant of cultural practices in the different nations under its control. The main condition for a tribe to joining Rome was allegiance to Rome – meaning they would fight for Rome when called upon. The Roman Empire’s cultural cosmopolitanism and tolerance depended upon a strong central military and a strong sense of Roman values. When both of these declined, the cultural values of an alien group, the Franks, took over. The reason was that tolerance in the absence of a strong sense of identity will result in one’s own identity being replaced by that of an alien identity. This is what happened in the Roman Empire, and also what is now happening in Europe and America.

World government today will share some similar values with world governments of the past. A crucial difference will be digital technology. Computers and the internet have been an integral part of laying the groundwork for world government. The internet and computing form a double bladed sword, and it cuts both ways. It allow for the sharing of information both for and against world government. However, in the last few decades, those who control the internet and popular websites have attempted to limit the sharing of information which is contrary to world government.

What follows are some brief notes on some concepts which have been consistently associated with world government since at least the 1940’s.

Technocracy – Patrick Wood has long been laying out how the future world government will be defined by technocracy. It would be a totalitarian system of government (mind control), similar to Orwell’s novel 1984. Technocrats will control the thoughts, dreams, movements, etc., of global citizens. Man will become a servant to the machine. James Corbett detailed the Technocracy movement in his documentary How Big Oil Took Over the World.

Communitarianism – A favorite subject of many who frequent the Republic Broadcasting network. Communitarianism is something like collectivism combined with mass surveillance through the most advanced technologies. It is an attempt to create groupthink and collective behaviors which can be monitored and controlled. It is the rule of populations through data collection and analysis.

Transhumanism – This idea was written upon by H.G. Wells in his book Mind at the End of its Tether. He suggested that a new kind of living beings will come to replace humanity. This is exactly what the transhuman is. It is a human which is modified through various possible means, chemical, mechanical, electrical, genetically, etc., in order to create a new creature. Teilhard de Chardin considered it in his books the Phenomenon of Man and the Future of Man. Chardin suggests that in the future humanity will possess a collective consciousness (corresponding to Jung’s collective unconsciousness) which Chardin termed the noosphere. Chardin, and Julian Huxley, believed that the conscious attempts to achieve higher developments in human evolution through scientific experimentation was necessary and unavoidable.

Julian Huxley, grandson of Thomas Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, wrote the introduction to Chardin’s book the Phenomenon of Man. Huxley was one of the key persons involved in UNESCO, the effort by the United Nations to control all culturally significant things in the world. As part of that effort, Huxley hit upon the importance of global ecology. This is the management of ecological areas throughout the world by an international governing body, its current representative being the United Nations. The arguments for sustainability and protecting the planet inevitably coincide with transhumanism. In fact, transhumanism will be demanded as a condition of living in the future world state which is being planned. (World Mind – to be detailed later)

World Government – Secular or Religious?

It seems taken for granted today that all national governments in the west should be secular. From this it follows that an international government, such as the UN, or any future world governments, also ought to be secular (separation of Church and State). I suggest, as William Cooper also suggested at various points, that the main issue with world government are the values which many of its proponents intend for it.

In the middle ages there was a system of pan-European government which was also international. This was the Roman Catholic Church, which through the Jesuits converted many peoples throughout the world. From 500 to 1500 the RCC was the most powerful international religious and political force in the world. The RCC had some doctrines and dogmas, laid out by St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas most famously. They include the doctrines of the trinity, that Christ is the messiah, and that Jews are not bound by their race to sin but only by their rejection of Christ. This crucial point is important to note, which is that traditionally the Catholic Church practiced segregation for those Jews who rejected Christ – but they accepted them unconditionally if they accepted Christ and baptism. Once a Jew accepted Christ he was no longer a Jew, he became a Catholic, and was fully accepted by all fellow Catholics. A future world government along the lines of the RCC circa the high middle ages would be preferable to a world government along the lines of the Huxley’s and the United Nations.

The character of the Jews is defined by their rejection of Christ, at the Crucifixion and up to the present day. The modern era is defined by the French Revolution and the Shoah. These two events work to deny God a place in government (denial of the RCC order), and they function to deny the incarnation of Christ as the most critical incident in human history. The world order as influenced by Darwinists, Atheists, Jews, Freemasons, etc., will be one which demands a worldly messiah, and a worldly utopia.

It would seem that the system of secular government and that of the RCC international system of the middle ages are essentially in opposition. Science today is used in the service of the transhumanists, who have attempted to make men into machine-hybrids through the mandated injections of graphene oxide. The bad faith of those who are imposing the narratives of the modern world will necessitate a reconsideration of the goals and values of the secular system of governance.

William Cooper has extensively documented the goals for the religion of those who work for the so called secular world government. They wish to impose a new world religion for their new world order. This world religion will be ecumenical, but also intolerant of all traditional religions which claim that their beliefs are the greatest. The beliefs of the freemasons, as espoused by Albert Pike in his book Morals and Dogma, most clearly illustrate the values of the intended new world order. Pike outlined in that book, written in the 1800’s, that there would be in the future three world wars. So far there have been two, and after each there have been attempts to impose world government, first the League of Nations, and then the United Nations. These groups working for political unification of the world inevitably have been shown to believe and practice the esoteric and occult.

The former secretary general of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjold is a pertinent example. He was of Swedish extraction, a land marked by Protestantism, and therefore, also by mysticism. Dag was assassinated by Belgian mercenaries in the 1960’s for having too much of an independent mind. His journals, collected and titled Markings, record his very intense inward thoughts concerning the spiritual. He studied the gospels and Meister Eckhart. Yet Dag also had the infamous black stone installed in the UN meditation room in its New York headquarters. William Cooper once devoted an hour to explaining this strange room. In its center sits the black stone, which is symbolic of some very serious occult values.

“The truth is found in plain sight. Churning a top Saturn’s North Pole is a flattened hexagonal/cube storm that rages continually. This storm is more than twenty-thousand miles wide. This portal leads to the interior location of the Black Cube, the occultic symbol of Saturn/Satan. Venerated in Islamic worship as the Kaaba Cube, in Mecca, Muslims pray in concentric circles around The Kaaba. This is symbolic of Saturn’s rings. The Cube/Teffillin is adorned on the heads and arms of Jewish orthodox men during their morning prayers. The cube represents the Old Covenant. When flattened, it assumes the shape of a cross. The New Covenant.” Lee Austin, from Ch7 Kaballah, in Morning Star’s Tale

“My altars hide in plain sight. The Stone of Light Meditation Room within the United Nations is a shrine to my divinity. Formally financed by Lucifer Trust, this black cube altar of iron/ore is now under the politically-correct umbrella of Lucis Trust. Crowned by a polished pyramidal top, the Stone of Light Meditation Room is a natural magnet emitting magnetic waves. Shining as billions of tiny luminaries, a mural containing the thirteen triangles and pyramids sits in place of the capstone.” Lee Austin, from Ch9, Numbers Add Up, in Morning Star’s Tale

When you combine the esoteric, as explained by Austin, with the previous political and religious explanations of world government, one is left with an impression that the secular world government will in fact be ruled by a occult elite devoted to arcane and anti-human practices. At the bottom, the future world government will have an essentially religious connection. The separation of church and state has never been the pattern for developing civilizations through history. We can either have an international rule defined by Thomism, gun rights, property rights, etc., or we can have an international order defined by usury, casual murders, and slavery of the worst possible kinds.

A Note on Socialism, the Nation, and Opposition to the Secular World State

This is in reference to the quote at the beginning of this article. To understand it we must return to the beginning of the modern age – circa 1500. It was at this point that both Germany, and then England, broke from the RCC and its international religious/political order. From then on England and Germany created the foundations for the modern secular world empire.

The French revolution happened in France in 1789 mainly as a result of British Freemasonry. France was a strong Catholic country, even through the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries, and it required the influence of England to topple the monarchy/RCC in France. Monarchy, the RCC, and God, are inseparable, and their combination is in fact precisely the right one to counter that of the godless and democratic order in many countries today. When Christian kingdoms are divided and deprived from sound doctrine, as espoused by St. Thomas and St. Augustine, they are destined to be ruled by Jews, Freemasons, and Socialists, etc.

Socialism without Christ has always resulted in destruction. William Cooper often spoke on the evils of socialism. He explained that socialism in all forms, whether international, national, ethnic, or whatever, could not be any better than the system of rule laid out in the American constitution. The constitution functioned well, up until the American civil war of the 1860’s, after which it was essentially no longer in effect. From that time America has been run by bankers, socialists, and other assorted revolutionaries.

Dr. E. Michael Jones, the noted Catholic scholar, grounds his work in historical Thomism. His foundational work the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit explains precisely why revolutions always result in slavery for those who participate in them. This is because of the fundamental opposition between Christ and the Jewish messiah. The Jewish messiah is worldly, and therefore is the embodiment of the socialist revolutionary. Socialist revolutionaries who deny Christ have no problems with using violence to justify their aims – this is the key element to Marxist doctrine.

In Germany Martin Luther’s rejection of the Catholic church led to a division in that nation. Long before the division of east and west Germany, there was the division between Catholic and revolutionary Germany. These revolutionaries, such as Luther, laid the groundwork for Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, and nearly all subsequent German thinkers.

After the French revolution much of Europe became taken up with the cause of Nationalism. In Italy in the 1860’s, and later with Germany in the 1870’s, the drive for nationalism led to unification for the first time since the break with Rome. However, Bismarck’s Kulturkampf was distinctly anti-Catholic. The wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 were largely between Germany and England, the two nations which first rejected Catholicism in the early years of the 1500s. Both England and Germany embraced socialism during the 20th century. By embracing a socialism without Christ, they were sealing their fates.

National Socialism in Germany allowed for Germany to recover from the economic devastation imposed by the treaty of Versailles. At the same time, Hjalmar Schacht, one of Germany’s most important economists, was also working closely with Montague Norman of the Bank of England. Their medium for moving funds between England and Germany, and between Germany and the rest of Europe was the Bank of International Settlements. The BIS was one of the main instruments which helped to fund National Socialist Germany. However, neither Schacht or Norman were punished following the war. The reason being that because they were responsible for funding the war they could not be punished. Instead most of the German political leaders who espoused national socialism were executed in order to prevent them from disputing the narrative which was constructed at Nuremberg.

National Socialism in Germany was to some degree dependent on the BIS for funding. Even so, because of its perception as being Nationalist, and because of the replacement of the crucifixion with the Shoah, the concept of National Socialism in Germany has been consistently condemned in Germany ever since 1945. One might point out that the state of Israel functions ideologically in the same manner as National Socialist Germany. They both ascribe to anti-Catholicism, ethnic identity, socialism, and nationalism. The best solution for many historians of the 20th century has been to look the other way when comparing National Socialism in Germany and Israel. One of the main arguments against National Socialism in Germany was that as a political ideology it led to violence against Jews. One could similarly argue that National Socialism in Israel has led to violence against Palestinian Arabs. The difference is that National Socialism in Germany was crushed in 1945, and National Socialism in Israel remains strong to this day.

In any future world state, it would seem that national socialism would not be compatible. Will an exception be made for Israel in a planned secular world order? Or will other world government planners of secular bent decide that Israel must abandon its traditions in favor of a world order which must trump all traditions. It may very well be that national socialism is allowed in some states only as a means for various other purposes, such as medical experimentation, as was carried out recently in Israel.

It is most important to have an identity based upon clearly laid out values, such as are found with St. Augustine and St. Thomas. Nationalism alone will not be enough to solve the problems of transhumanism and a proposed world order. The lack of historical tradition in secular nationalism, such as that of Bismarckian German nationalism, German National Socialism, or even British Socialism since WWII, has been to the benefit of the enemies of Christ. There are very clear doctrines, such as sicut judaeis non, and the indelible mark of baptism, which allow for fair treatment of Jews. These are the traditional doctrines of the RCC, as laid out during the middle ages. In the 20th century, with Vatican II, the efforts of the RCC to covert the Jews took a back seat to Catholic Jewish dialogue. As Dr. Jones has so often stated, we can either have Catholic-Jewish dialogue, or we can have unity in the Church. Since he has concluded that Catholic-Jewish dialogue has been a failure, we must begin refocusing on energies on bringing about unity in the Church. This will require a return to the careful study of the doctrines of St. Augustine and St. Aquinas. There will be more to follow concerning the future developments of the projected world state, and whether it will be defined by traditional RCC doctrine, or by the twin doctrines of public secularism and private occultism.

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