The Police State We Didn’t Need

The Police State We Didn’t Need


If one would care to look, it would be plain to see. There are many reasons not to look. There are many games and sideshows popping up every moment, but are they real? In the most part they are not. There are labyrinthine corridors carved out through the internet which the sheeple are steered into. They are guided into hallways with dead ends. They are made to lie down and watch and listen as the Great Speaker explains it all to them. In the end these are dead souls being spoken to by machine men.

There is a sense of strangeness which arises from living under a police state. Malcolm Muggeridge described the political figures of the Soviet Union in his memoirs, “I thought of the men in the Kremlin as I remembered them; the grey, hard faces grouped around Stalin, the greyest and hardest of all.” (The Infernal Grove p114). The basis of Communism in the Soviet Union was theoretically to liberate the workers. Eventually Marxist-Leninism turned to a battle between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin eventually defeated Trotsky, forcing him to be exiled and later he was murdered on Stalin’s orders. Stalin’s belief in the police state won out in the USSR over Trotsky’s belief in the eternal revolution.

Many apologists for Stalin during the 1930’s and 1940’s did not believe he ran the USSR as a police state. They believed him when he denied using forced labor. The truth of the USSR being a police state was only revealed many years after the terror began there. It is true that some men spoke the truth about the USSR from its inception through the 1930’s, but they went unheeded until the 1960’s and 70’s. In 1940 Arthur Koestler published his book Darkness at Noon, which detailed the excesses of the Stalinist show trials of the 1930’s. This book did not attain wide exposure until the 1960’s. Then in 1973 came Alexander Solzhenitsyn and The Gulag Archipelago. These works helped to clearly define the Soviet Union as a police state.

The world of Franz Kafka’s story The Trial was brought to life in the shape of the Stalinist show trials of the 1930’s. Solzhenitsyn goes into detail regarding these trials in the Gulag Archipelago. Both Solzhenitsyn and Koestler went on to write books concerning the Jews. Koestler wrote The Thirteenth Tribe which concerned his beliefs that the so called “Jews” of today descend from the Khazarians. This would mean that the majority of “Jews” today are ethnically Turkic, as that is ethnically what the Khazarians were. The period of the Khazarian empire, circa 900 AD is little known today, but this theory deserves attention. It would go a long way to explaining the mysteries of the past few centuries.

Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel prize for literature due to him being a soviet dissident and having written The Gulag Archipelago. He was similar to Boris Pasternak, they both were awarded for having written about life in the Soviet Union. Because Pasternak was older, he was writing at the height of Soviet power. This meant he could not write openly about the USSR being a tyrannical police state. Instead he wrote the novel, Dr. Zhivago, which details the history of the Soviet Union through the eyes of a poetic doctor. Even this circumspect treatment of the abuses of the USSR was offensive to the Soviet authorities. Dr. Zhivago had to be smuggled out of the country. Pasternak was placed under house arrest and died shortly after.

Solzhenitsyn’s life was much different from Pasternak’s. He served as an officer in the Red Army during WWII, also known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia. He was arrested and placed in a gulag after one of his letters was taken by soviet authorities and considered to have been offensive against Stalin. For this crime he was made to serve over ten years in the gulags. After his release he wrote a novel based on his experiences titled A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Solzhenitsyn could have led a comfortable career writing fiction, but he also began writing his account of the Soviet Police state. This massive three volume work, The Gulag Archipelago, was written in secret, and passed around as samizdat. He divided it into sections and had them placed with various people he knew. Eventually the authorities heard about it and he attempted to have the work smuggled out of the country. These events led to his eventual exile from Russia. He spent the next twenty years living in America.

It was only during the 1990’s that Solzhenitsyn took on writing a work which many have been unable to tackle today. It is called Two Hundred Years Together and details the history of Russian-Jewish relations from 1790 to 1990. It has never been formally translated into English, but in recent years an informal group of people completed its translation into English. It now circulates online, where it is sometimes mentioned, as by The Crowhouse, as a work necessary for understanding the world today.

When the psychologist Jordan Peterson was asked about Two Hundred Years Together he declined to comment on it. It is likely that he would also decline to comment on other works such as Dr. Jones’s The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, and Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe. Dr. Peterson’s reluctance likely stems from the fact that he is a psychologist working in Canada. Psychology is a discipline largely influenced by Freud, one of the most famous Jewish intellects of the 20th century, besides Marx. Canada is also one of the most internationalist countries in the world, which means it is a nation particularly sensitive to Zionist interests. Dr. Peterson to my knowledge has never challenged Zionism. He has likely not gotten into it because he knows it will draw attention from Zionists who will try to silence him.

Even so, Solzhenitsyn believed the issue of Russian-Jewish relations was so important that he wrote a book of over seven hundred pages devoted to it. Perhaps one of the reasons that Dr. Peterson has been reluctant to discuss it is that he is living in a police state. The essential characteristic of a police state is that its people are not subject to the rule of law. They are instead subject to arrest and punishment at any time for any reason at all. This was done in the Soviet Union in order to prevent crimes before they were attempted, as detailed in Vol. 1 of Muggeridge’s memoirs.

No one needs a police state, unless one is a dictator, or an oligarch, or a crime boss, etc. Police states serve the interests of those who would abuse the laws for their personal advantage. These things have been happening with greater regularity over the past century. Muggeridge was convinced that western civilization was collapsing, and his solution was to seek answers in the spiritual. A police state is the exact opposite of a group of spiritual believers. This is why Solzhenitsyn’s answer to the Soviet Union was Orthodox Christianity.

If we are not criminals, or aspiring to be criminals, or trying to avoid thinking about the issues, then we do not need, nor would we accept a police state. There is a police state in many nations today. It is in the Ukraine, in America, in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Anyone who actively questions the legacy media will realize this fact.

We may not have needed this police state, but it is sometimes said that people get the leaders they deserve. Those who push for secular internationalism have much to gain by it. They will use the police state as a means to achieve their ends. The end for them is the utopia of heaven on earth. It will be a mixture of Wilson’s Fourteen points and Franklin Roosevelt’s four freedoms. But in actuality George Orwell’s 1984 was happening in 1948 – WWII was the historical attempt to invert all values. Freedom became slavery – this was especially evident with the sexual revolution of the 1960’s. What was touted as freedom, things such as drug use, dropping out of school, and polygamy, ended up crippling a generation in many ways. Hunter Thompson clearly remarked upon the crippling effects of taking acid, that CIA inspired truth serum termed LSD, in his book Fear and Loathing.

All of those who fight against perceived problems are those who create these same problems. Discrimination, the wars on Drugs, Poverty, Terror, Covid, etc., were all reactions to conflicts which were created by those in power. The 20th century has been the century of the false flag.

Ezra Pound’s essential insight was to teach us that the world has become an insane asylum. Why should this be? It is because since the Federal Reserve, WWI, WWII, even the Protestant and French Revolutions, and the Napoleonic Code, there has been an attempt to re-evaluate all values. This was why Nietzsche so often praised the French, and the Jews. The Will to Power and transvaluation of all values had come to pass in the figure of Napoleon. But history rises and falls, and Napoleon’s work continued in fits and starts after his death. The revolutions of 1830, 1848, and 1870 led the way for those proclaiming the worldly utopia.

If we are a body of people aspiring to spirituality, like Leon Bloy that great Catholic, then we did not need this police state. If you were tending a farm for your own needs you would not need it. There always comes a time when powerful men attempt to impose their control over others. At the highest point it is the threat of war between nations. Violence is the ultimate act of a powerful man attempting to impose his will upon another. It is the basic doctrine of Marxism, and it is the basic belief of all worldly governments in the world today and yesterday.

The Christians of the Roman Empire overcame that Empire by their superior faith. The Roman soldier’s belief in war (the God of War) declined as he was consistently made to put Christians to violence. The resort to violence in a dispute is a clear indication that the argument is being lost by the aggressor. Many have advocated violence as a means to instant power, but so often this is short sighted. In all the ages very few kings are remembered or even remembered well because of their skill in war. Earthly empires always have their end, while the City of God remains eternal.

The Nature of the International Police State

Marshall McLuhan detailed in his works how differing types of media affect human interaction and identity. He suggested that in the 20th century humanity had become a global village because of electronic technology. Electronic technology now allows for potentially instantaneous communication with anyone anywhere in the world. But there are practical limitations.

Nations all over the world will restrict access to electronic communication for various reasons, often for the stated purposes of national security. The internet is shut down in Burma to prevent protests against military rule. China has Google build censorship (Tiananmen Square) built into its system. Russia shutters FB during its military operation in the Ukraine.

All history previously written on paper is being transferred to digital storehouses. All of it will subsequently be altered to suit whatever power in charge in the future.

The New Nightmare in the Old Essence 22/3/22

McLuhan suggested with the advent of electronic technology there would be an end of the polite society. In his book War and the Global Village, he suggested that all new technologies bring war in their wake. This has been theorized endlessly in science fiction. Isaac Asimov suggested the three laws of robotics, in his book I, Robot, as a means of preventing machines from rising up against men. But today there first must come a reckoning of man and electronic technology.

This new power puts man everywhere at once without warning. There is a coming to life of the film Videodrome, where television was used as a means of creating a new creature. Man is merged with machine, a pistol is grown onto his arm, and it is in the service of electronic technology that he takes on this change. H. G. Wells suggested in Mind at the End of its Tether, that man would have no choice but to either be fundamentally altered into a form beyond human, or to die out entirely.

The controllers of the world police state have moved through many means to affect humanity. They have plotted wars, revolutions, takeovers of monetary systems, educational systems, scientific systems, all with a means of furthering man’s evolution.

The Attempt for Total Control Via Electronic Technology 23/3/22

The world police state is being imposed. The intended methods of control include a completely digital only world economy. There are intended changes for housing, taxation, education, religion, war, health, etc. For housing all will be made to live in pods clustered in boxes in urban areas. For taxation there will be a world tax imposed first on businesses, and later on all individuals. The education in government schools today is intended to create world citizens. The bulk of religions today are working to combine all religions into a single religion. There is the intention to disarm all peoples of all nations leaving only the United Nations and its successors in possession of weaponry. There is the attempt to replace all natural medicine with strange poisons concocted by the Rockefeller industry. It has been going on for a century.

All of these changes to traditional ways of life are intended to bring greater control to the United Nations. The UN works with intelligence agencies everywhere to create misinformation. It is due to the fact that most people of the world would not accept these changes willingly. This is why William Cooper has called this present time the Age of Deception. It is only by deception that the world police state can be ushered in. Conversely it will only be prevented by a revelation of the true means used for advancing the world government, which must necessarily rely upon the world police state.

To prevent the imposition of the world police state from proceeding any further it will be necessary to shine a light on the deceptions upon which it is necessarily based. The Federal Reserve, WWI, WWII, JFK, Nixon (Watergate), Reagan (Iran-Contra), 9/11, WMD’s in Iraq, the plan-demic, climate alarmism, and the Ukrainian war, all constitute deceptions which have been planned in one way or another to bring about the new world order. The Vietnam War was an inspiration for many to decline to pay federal taxes. The United States is one of the largest funders of the United Nations. It remains one of the few nations capable of defunding both the United Nations and the Zionists in Israel. The USA has been saddled with enormous debts because it has given many billions away to the UN and the Zionists. But many have not yet realized this fact.

The peoples of the world, and the USA in particular, must realize that the deceptions of the UN can only be leading to an intended mass slaughter. The only means of preventing it will be to understand the deceptions. When it is understood that the UN helps fund the drug trafficking and human trafficking in the world, its demands for total disarmament will be rejected. All of the shootings in the USA have been deceptions intended to further the UN agenda of disarmament. An armed society can be both free and polite. An unarmed society can be neither. Australia gave up its guns after a false flag shooting in the 1990’s. The result has been to see Australia turned into one of the largest prison nations in the world. The same process is being put underway currently in New Zealand.

The intended world police state will be ruled by the international soldiers of the UN. These blue helmeted stooges are intended to oversee the robbery of all citizens. They are intended to help enslave all those who survive the wars of extermination. Who is intending to exterminate who? The Zionists, CIA, FBI, and other related groups, are waging a war of extermination on the world. They do so in accordance with the protocols of Sion. They believe they are justified in this since they see most humans as animals.

Truly we did not and do not need this international police state to solve the supposed problems of today. The same people pushing for internationalism necessarily wish to rule with an iron fist. They are the same people who fund the wars (Rothschilds) while proclaiming these are wars for freedom. Bombs have never brought freedom to anyone. Wars throughout history have consistently brought chaos, destruction, and evil. They are not a good means for bringing about thoughtfulness.

If people allow themselves to be deceived then they will think they need this international state. But it is a state to be brought by deception. First the artists of Russia hailed the Soviet Union, then they were all slowly liquidated. The artist, as McLuhan said, is uniquely situated to take in the changes in society. Where others perceive only pain or confusion, the artist perceives a challenge as a means to creativity. By my temperament I look to D.H. Lawrence, Ezra Pound, W.B. Yeats, and T.S. Eliot, as models for how an artist should live. The best means for understanding a changing world is through the artist.

It is also by inclination that I should look to first hand accounts of world events. Edgar Snow’s Red Star Over Asia and Jack Belden’s China Shakes the World will tell you more about how Mao took over China than many other scholarly texts. The reason being that Snow and Belden were there and they recorded what they experienced. There is such a great need for knowledge of first hand experience of events in the past and present today. Most of these true accounts of history are not easy to find. Those who would bring world government intend to obscure the true means by which it is brought about.

The bloody process by which Russia and China attained state socialism (Communism) will be no different if it is tried in America, or Canada, or Australia, etc. If young people can be deceived into believing in the dream of utopian socialism without considering the consequences, then there may be more future revolutions for socialism. As it stands, the wars for socialism have left many tens of millions dead. If they persist many millions more will die for the red rose.

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